Webril prep towels are made for the unique needs and demands of mortuaries, autopsy rooms and funeral homes. These towels are especially absorbent and lint-free, so they will clean up fluids fast without creating debris around your work area. Made from 100% pure top-grade fibers, Webril prep towels are durable yet soft, ideal for washing, absorbing spills or leaks and much more. The towels will absorb up to 10 times their weight, and they can be cut into strips or pads as needed for delicate touches. Order a roll of Webril prep towels and other funeral home supplies online from National Funeral Supplies, and find all of the products you need in one place.
Prep-Room Supplies
Webril Prep Towels
These towels are especially absorbent and lint-free, so they will clean up fluids fast without creating debris around your work area.
CALL TO ORDER: 800-452-2249